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ALF Young Ladies celebrate a whole year of learning and fun!


Our future Queens and Leaders of Australia Light Foundation had a beautiful day out with their friends. It was the day to celebrate the whole year of learning and having fun together in the pursuit of learning about their religion, Islam!

The high school girls battled it out in laser tag and bowling whilst the beautiful smiley primary school girls enjoyed a day of running around and chasing one another at Lollipop's Playland.

It really brings us joy at ALF to see our community blossoming with such beautiful leaders for tomorrow who are developing within our community and learning their religion. With these two combined, our beautiful girls of today will be brilliant young ambassadors of the religion of Islam and ALF as they grow older tomorrow.

May Allah protect our future Queens and Leaders and may Allah provide for them their hearts desires and make their lives one filled with Islam, education, development, leadership, happiness, wisdom and culture.

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